Wednesday Church!

Wednesday Church!

We are so excited to announce that we’re going to be starting a third service on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 until 7:45pm! The first service will be June 13th… a sort of “open house,” so check it out! The Wednesday service is going to be...
Murder Most Foul

Murder Most Foul

I have a terrible confession to make.  I am a murderer. Stone cold. I have killed hundreds of… plants.  I have the blackest of black thumbs the world has ever seen. Exhibit A: Pedro the Spider Plant.  He hangs limply from the dining room ceiling, a testament to...
Fear God

Fear God

Have you ever felt afraid?  You know, when your shirt sticks to you with sudden sweat, your heart thunders in your chest, and an over-riding feeling to just get out? Yeah, that. It’s fear, which the dictionary defines as an “unpleasant emotion caused by the...
The Evangelical-Catholic Dialogue…

The Evangelical-Catholic Dialogue…

Recently, Oct. 19-21, I had the honor of participating in the Evangelical-Catholic Dialogue at the University of Mary in Bismarck, North Dakota. Conversations between Evangelicals and Catholics have been taking place for a number of years and while there remains deep...
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